COBRA Membership
Why should you join COBRA?
The best way to make certain that an organization will maintain the integrity of the Catahoula is to be involved in that organization.
In 1995, the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog as a breed and began registering the dogs and allowing them to compete in its various programs including
confirmation, obedience and agility. UKC established a standard for the Catahoula as it does for all of its breeds. Individual breed clubs can become a UKC breed club by following certain guidelines
put forth by UKC. COBRA has met these guidelines and is a UKC registered breed club. In turn, UKC looks to the members of the associated breed clubs for input regarding the breed. By joining COBRA,
you have a forum to raise your opinions on the future of the breed as well as a voting voice with UKC in regard to the Catahoula standard.
What specifically will COBRA do for the Catahoula?
Research! Research! Research! Participating in genetic studies and other types of research will give us the best information possible about the Catahoula. Hopefully, research projects will provide
breeders with an understanding of what gives the Catahoula its drive and contributes to its weaknesses. This will help us to protect the integrity of the breed in the future.
What are the benefits of being a member of COBRA?
Members will enjoy a variety of benefits including free advertising on our website with links to your personal kennel website. Cobra members will have a reduced entry fee for COBRA hosted UKC
shows. UKC shows are generally fun and friendly, and most members assist the novice participant in feeling comfortable in the events. Our newsletter and web site will keep you informed of ongoing
research projects as well as UKC's interests in the Catahoula.